Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brain Fog

Many of us with Lupus have it, we call it Lupus Head. If you have this or know anyone who does, it comes and goes. It is very frustrating.
Myself, I make lists. Lists of everything. They are everywhere. But they help me.
Organization and continuity also help because with routine I don't have to think about things I just have to do them.
I can't describe how bad it feels to have to walk around the house trying to remember what you were doing. It is extremely madening.
So if you know anyone like this, take to heart that we can't help it and it is one of the hardest symptoms to deal with.

1 comment:

  1. just emailed this to my mom. thankyou. i think she might believe a stranger. she has put me down and turned my family against me for the past ten years. with thier support i wouldn't be this sick. i feel like everything i do takes so much more effort and yet is still not enough.
