Sunday, April 26, 2009

Daniel's Story

At 15 I was invited to join the volleyball team. Before the month ended I was in Childrens Hospital. Within weeks I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis, and immediately put on dialysis. My symptom's were very acute. The medical staff tried numerous treatment's, and nothing seemed to work. Finally a combination of high-dosage pulse steroids, and chemotherapy was used to kick my Lupus into remission. By the time I was 22 I lost the remaining kidney function I had.. my kidney's shut down causing my blood-pressure to skyrocket, and I had a stroke (3-4 mins. of total vision impairment followed by multiple seizure's). I was back on dialysis again.. this time the complication's put me out of commission for about 3 year's. I needed a transplant which yes, I did get. A few years ago I developed chronic Gout in both feet, and issue's with my balance. I have a history of Gout on both sides of my family, but my elders didn't get it until they were north of 45. Despite my medical history I say that I don't suffer since could be worse (at least I'm not homeless and lost in Afghanistan being forced to have a meal with members of the Taliban, or a roady for a girl band)... instead I say that I live with Lupus.

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