Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tavin's Story

I've been "off" for quite a few years. I'd been tested every year for over 20 yrs for lupus and other autoimmune disorders. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. About a year ago things got really bad and I was diagnosed with RA and most likely lupus. I still don't have a definite diagnosis but they are treating me for it and still investigating. When I go to see my GP or my rheumie they say things like " with seranegative lupus and RA these are common symptoms" and " we are still investigating but with lupus you can expect...". I am on plaquinil, prednisone, dessicated pork thyroid, and pain killers (not namby pamby ones either, percocet and morphine when needed) if I am in terrible pain.
I am a wife, mother, and care giver. I currently work as a special education assistant in an elementary school. I'd work as a teacher (which is what I am trained to do) but I don't have the energy or strength to do it. That being said, my work with nonverbal, mobility challenged, usually autistic children is not a walk in the park. Mind you, a walk in the park is often more than I can handle. When I am finished my work day I am often so exhausted that I fall asleep talking to my children.
I LOVE my work and want to continue doing it. I am terribly afraid that when or if I get ill enough that our family will lose a second income. We are barely living a middle class lifestyle as it is and we've worked hard for it. I am afraid that I will not be able to claim disability.
Tavin Robinson
New Westminster, British Columbia

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